
How to turn off scroll lock on windows 10
How to turn off scroll lock on windows 10

#How to turn off scroll lock on windows 10 how to#

See the following article: How to pin any file to Start Menu in Windows 10. Tip: you can pin the "lock.vbs" file to the Start menu in Windows 10. You can use this trick in previous Windows version too. You Windows 10 PC will be locked and the screen will be turned off. If you are using Windows 10, every time when you start your Windows 10 computer you will often see an ad appear on the login screen. This is important so that all scripts can easily find its EXE file. You can also copy the NirCmd.exe into your C:\Windows directory.

  • Put nircmd.exe you downloaded earlier in the same folder.
  • Browse for the desired folder where you wish to store the script and type "lock.vbs" with quotes in the File Name text box (the double quotes are required so that the file gets directly saved as "lock.vbs" and not ""):
  • In Notepad, click File menu -> Save item.
  • WSHShell.Run "nircmd.exe monitor async_off", 0 WSHShell.Run "Rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation", 0 Set WSHShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  • Copy and paste the following text into Notepad: 'Lock PC and Turn off Display.
  • Tip: see our ultimate list of all Windows keyboard shortcuts with Win keys.
  • Press the Win + R shortcut keys together on the keyboard to bring up the Run dialog, and then type notepad into the Run box.
  • how to turn off scroll lock on windows 10 how to turn off scroll lock on windows 10

    To make it working, we need to use the freeware tool, Nirsoft Nircmd, which allows you to control various OS parameters and features from the command line.

    how to turn off scroll lock on windows 10

    But still it doesn't provide a way to simultaneously lock your PC and turn off the monitor instantly. This will allow you to reduce the period when your display turns off after locking. Before you continue, you might want to read about unlocking the hidden display off timeout for the Lock screen in Windows 10.

    How to turn off scroll lock on windows 10